Acupuncture at Horizon Chiropractic
As a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for a variety of ailments. At Horizon Chiropractic, the most common things patients seek acupuncture for include:
- Digestive issues
- Pain and headaches
- Fertility
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbances
- Stress and anxiety
Your chiropractor will do a consultation and examination.
If we feel that you also could benefit from chiropractic care we may want to take X-rays of the area. We can do that on-site.
We’ll explain acupuncture philosophy so it makes sense why we’re placing needles where we are. Your chiropractor will place the needles in specific acupuncture locations. They will be left in for 20 minutes while you lay and relax.
Your chiropractor will put together a customized treatment plan that includes how many sessions you will need and what our goals are along the way.
We understand that some people might feel nervous about getting acupuncture because of the needles. It’s important to note that the needles used are ultrathin. They’re nothing like a needle that are used during a blood draw or injection.
“Most of the time you won’t feel anything; and if you do, it just feels like a quick pinch but the feeling goes away quickly.
For very nervous patients, our doctors encourages them to place one or two needles and see how they’re doing. Typically, we find that patients are fine with the experience and proceed with treatment.
Can I just come in for acupuncture?
Absolutely! Many people also see us for a combination of chiropractic care and acupuncture since they work well together.
Because our doctors have training in both chiropractic and acupuncture they can approach health concerns coming from different viewpoints. Specifically, they have an understanding of the muscle, bone, nerve, joint side of things and an understanding coming from the acupuncture Oriental medicine philosophy of health and wellness.
Yes, in fact, we’ve seen patients get good results with acupuncture and IVF.
Some plans do; we can let you know if your plan covers acupuncture.
Book an Appointment
Contact our Lake in the Hills practice today to schedule an appointment for acupuncture.